
About Me

Hello! Welcome to Poka Speaks. My name is Alexandria Cox, AKA Poka. I am from Dallas, Texas, the epitome of southern hospitality. I graduated college in the Fall of 2020, at the age of 20 with a major in TAMUC’s prestigious Social Work Program, and received my Master’s Degree in Social Work in December of 2021. I have also received my certified life coach certification from the University of North Texas.

I discovered my passion for public speaking at the age of 18. I started speaking at urban schools with students about the benefits, trials, and tribulations of beginning a college journey. I taught students how to apply to universities and gave them knowledge about the reality of college. By testifying to children with only my own experiences I was able to touch their lives in ways that others had failed to in the past, and I became a resource to students that were not previously accessible. Now I am helping individuals of all ages and aspects of life become motivated, inspired, and goal-oriented.

Discovering my ability to reach people through my own testimonies is the greatest blessing that God has given me because I get to be the needle in the haystack. I am very glad that you’re here today because that means you have read or heard my voice. You never know, my words just might change your life.